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Coming Soon

Volume 1

Coming Soon

Volume 1

Georgia-based beatmaker with a passion for weaving soulful beats that reflect the musical richness of his surroundings. Through a blend of genres, Bumpy Loop's creations come to life, characterized by intricate drum patterns and a delicate touch with samples. His beats invite you to a laid-back space, where innovation and nostalgia harmonize seamlessly.The music is a dynamic exploration, where each composition tells a story, inviting listeners into a world where creativity knows no bounds.



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Frequently asked questions

If you can't find the answer to your questions please contact us directly.

Can I get a refund?

Yes and no. I really depends. Buy something and let's figure it out if you really aren't happy. We'll find a solution.Trust us.

Do you offer discounts for education?

We do. Send us the relevant documents and we'll send instructions on how to get the discount. It really is that easy.You can even order and pay get the discount later in cash.

I love the typewriter you offer. I would like to order one for every writer in my poetry club. Do you offer volume pricing and how you do volume fullfilment?

If you really need 200 typewriters then yes. Just send us a quick email with your request. We'll send something up for you and send a proposal within 48 hours.

How can I contact customer support?

We currently don't offer any support, as all customers are 100% happy. Should you not be happy, well, tough luck.This is a joke of course. Just send an email and we'll get back to you in 24h max.